SW11 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW11 6 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW11 6 Postcodes (Active). SW11 6 postcode sector comprises of 173 active postcodes. SW11 6 sector has a population of 10860, and it has 4075 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW11 6 postcode sector

SW11 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10860
Addresses / Property Count 4075
Active Postcodes 173
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of SW11 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 173 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW11 6AA 51.45372900 -0.15770000 34 104 528104 174359
SW11 6AB 51.45471200 -0.15564500 53 151 528244 174472
SW11 6AD 51.45498600 -0.15586500 47 131 528228 174502
SW11 6AE 51.45426500 -0.15523200 55 152 528274 174423
SW11 6AF 51.45455700 -0.15547900 56 164 528256 174455
SW11 6AG 51.45397000 -0.15531500 33 87 528269 174390
SW11 6AH 51.45301900 -0.15772900 19 43 528104 174280
SW11 6AJ 51.45348200 -0.15858800 34 126 528043 174330
SW11 6AQ 51.45362900 -0.15537200 38 101 528266 174352
SW11 6AR 51.44855700 -0.16329400 5 12 527730 173774
SW11 6AS 51.45515600 -0.16033800 19 47 527917 174513
SW11 6AT 51.45524500 -0.16093500 4 11 527875 174522
SW11 6AU 51.45300300 -0.16019000 43 127 527933 174274
SW11 6AW 51.45361200 -0.15484100 N/A N/A 528303 174351
SW11 6AX 51.45315000 -0.15982500 43 126 527958 174291
SW11 6AY 51.45419000 -0.15961000 4 15 527970 174407
SW11 6AZ 51.45416400 -0.15850300 18 50 528047 174406
SW11 6BA 51.45506400 -0.15625000 57 150 528201 174510
SW11 6BB 51.45545900 -0.15623400 44 122 528201 174554
SW11 6BD 51.45446200 -0.15860600 18 59 528039 174439
SW11 6BE 51.45324400 -0.15890000 32 93 528022 174303
SW11 6BF 51.45617000 -0.16825700 N/A N/A 527364 174612
SW11 6BG 51.45327000 -0.15941700 45 125 527986 174305
SW11 6BP 51.45881600 -0.15752400 16 40 528102 174925
SW11 6BS 51.45848100 -0.15740800 11 33 528111 174888
SW11 6BT 51.45828700 -0.15876900 15 35 528017 174864
SW11 6BU 51.45767900 -0.16243500 13 31 527764 174790
SW11 6BW 51.45850900 -0.15909500 11 24 527994 174888
SW11 6BX 51.45712400 -0.16493300 5 16 527592 174724
SW11 6BY 51.45665100 -0.16686700 23 68 527459 174668
SW11 6BZ 51.45788800 -0.16261400 22 64 527751 174813
SW11 6DA 51.45752800 -0.16431200 19 72 527634 174770
SW11 6DB 51.45680300 -0.16739300 29 71 527422 174684
SW11 6DD 51.45672600 -0.16877800 32 63 527326 174673
SW11 6DE 51.45709000 -0.16728500 42 86 527429 174716
SW11 6DF 51.45801700 -0.16452300 47 110 527618 174824
SW11 6DG 51.45816000 -0.16270400 38 95 527744 174843
SW11 6DQ 51.45723400 -0.16786900 39 80 527388 174731
SW11 6DR 51.45779200 -0.16786100 56 117 527387 174793
SW11 6DS 51.45752900 -0.16781000 41 116 527391 174764
SW11 6DT 51.45852400 -0.16470400 26 74 527604 174880
SW11 6DU 51.45828800 -0.16459900 22 52 527612 174854
SW11 6DX 51.45888400 -0.16295200 19 52 527725 174923
SW11 6DY 51.45864900 -0.16287500 24 70 527731 174897
SW11 6ED 51.45452700 -0.16156900 32 86 527833 174441
SW11 6EE 51.45404200 -0.16329000 12 39 527715 174384
SW11 6EF 51.45473900 -0.16190500 26 79 527809 174464
SW11 6EG 51.45391200 -0.16535000 21 72 527572 174366
SW11 6EH 51.45325000 -0.16670400 17 33 527480 174290
SW11 6EJ 51.45255900 -0.16625300 12 39 527513 174214
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